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11Q Premium Fabric Softener

A concentrated premium fabric softening liquid specially formulated for use in commercial and on-premise laundries.
  • Excellent softening of many types of fabric (towels, sheets, wool, delicate articles etc.).
  • Leaves a smooth, silky feel on woven or flat knitted fabric.
  • Contains a perfume, which leaves a pleasant smell on fabric.
  • Prevents build-up of static electricity on synthetic fabrics.
  • Delivers a pleasant long-lasting residual smell.
  • Suitable for manual or automatic dosing.
  • Contains cationic surfactant to assist ironing/ calendaring.
  • 2x5L
  • 1x10L
  • 1x20L

Manufactured to ISO 9001, 14001 & 45001 Standards.

Technical Advice

Automatic Dosing

  • Use at a rate of 5-10ml/kg dry fabric weight.

Manual Dosing

  • Add directly to the correct dosing compartment of the washing machine.
  • Do not use on items made of micro polyester fibres such as cleanroom garments and water repellent theatre linen.
  • Do not use on items dried on calenders with a polyester felt.

Appearance: Pink Liquid

pH (1%): 5.5 – 8.5

Relative Density: 0.99

Odour: Characteristic

Solubility: Fully miscible in water


  • Overuse of Softener can cause yellowish or sometimes grey discolouration, particularly on white towels. This can be removed by washing discoloured items in a hot wash using an anionic laundry detergent.
  • Iron contamination in water supply (greater than 0.15ppm concentration) can form pale yellow patches or overall pale yellow discolouration, particularly on white towels.
  • The discolouration can be removed as above by use of an anionic detergent.
  • It is recommended that the source of the contamination is traced and eliminated if possible.

Safety Specification

Not classified as hazardous
EUH208:Contains fragrance. May produce an allergic reaction.

Inhalation: Remove casualty from exposure ensuring one’s own safety whilst doing so.

Eye contact: Rinse immediately with plenty of water. Seek medical attention if irritation or symptoms persist.

Skin contact: Wash with water. Seek medical attention if irritation or symptoms persist.

Ingestion: If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.

  • See visual information on the bottle.
  • Full guidance on the handling and safe use of the product can be obtained from the Safety Data Sheet.
  • Store in the original container.
  • Avoid extremes of temperature.