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Kitchen Care

Safe, Effective and Efficient Kitchen Hygiene Solutions for Small and Commercial Kitchen Spaces

Kitchen Hygiene Guide

Our comprehensive kitchen hygiene guide covers all aspects of kitchen cleaning, including floors, dishwashing and surfaces. All appropriate products from Ionic’s broad range of kitchen hygiene solutions are listed throughout each section, breaking down product features, pack sizes and required dilutions.

Kitchen Schematic

For expert guidance on what products should be used in the appropriate area of the kitchen, our thorough kitchen schematics colour keys the relevant Ionic products to the relevant area of the kitchen. For more information on our kitchen products, please refer to our Kitchen Hygiene Guide.

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Dishwashing Cleaning Guide

Ionic’s dishwashing cleaning guide details every step of the dishwashing process. From handwashing to machine dishwashing, our detailed visual guide ensures an optimal dishwashing experience. 

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Kitchen Dilution Guide

For concentrated kitchen cleaning appliances, our kitchen dilution guide instructs cleaners on the correct dilution ratios through a visual table that can be read and understood at ease.